What are the differences between Fluent with Friends and Native Immersion courses?
Two of our most proudest creations are Fluent with Friends and The RealLife Native Immersion Fluency Courses. They are very similar, and extremely compatible, but different in a few key ways. takes you on a 48 week Fluency Adventure using the timeless and widely popular American TV Series "Friends". Join our full Fluent with Friends course here. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpSome readersWhat English level should I be to learn with the course?
Although the Fluent with Friends course and the Power Learning method are intended and more suited for intermediate learners, they have worked for lower-level learners. If you consider yourself a basic level student and are interested in learning with our materials, you'd just need to show an extra level of dedication, tenacity, and the ability to read in English. In regards to your development during the course, it really depends on what your level is at the moment, how you use the matFew readersWhat can I learn with the Native Immersion course?
Thanks for your interest in the course! Native Immersion is a fluency course from RealLife English based on our popular podcast, taught by RealLife coaches, Ethan, Justin, and Chad. It is composed of delivered to you on a weekly basis with PDF and MP3 files. We encourage you to read more about the course and its materials here on this page. This course will help you improve your listening skills:Few readersWhat if I don't have a credit card
Normally, credit cards and PayPal are the only forms of payment we accept. If you don't have a credit card and can't use PayPal option, you might try making a direct bank transfer, but in that case you'd want to buy the whole course in one payment. Here you can read more about the different plans of the Fluent with Friends course and check prices. If you are interested in the Native Immersion course please visit this page (https://realliFew readers