Where to watch Friends
While we are able to provide you with all the learning materials, like the PDF Power Lessons, the Memrise Vocabulary training, the PDF & audio reviews, and so much more, unfortunately we are not able to legally provide you with the actual episodes of the TV series Friends. The series is owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. You can check where the company suggests watching it on this website Right now you can watch Friends on HBO Max or HBO Go. YPopularI want to practice my speaking
Although our lessons are focused on developing your listening skills, we are confident in saying that it will have a great, positive effect on the other three communication skills — reading, writing, and especially speaking. That happens mainly because by improving your listening, you will automatically improve your speaking, as these abilities are much more interconnected than we think when we are having a natural language-learning experience (which is exactly what our lessons are focused on pSome readersHow to find time for learning English
Many people with busy schedules feel like they don't have time to learn English. The trick is to find ways to make it convenient for you, and turn it into a daily habit. Check out these articles that might help you find some extra time to practice your English: English Made Simple: 15 Minutes per Day 6 Ways to Find Time to Improve a Language StresFew readersHow to cancel my subscription
We recommend and encourage our students to not give up halfway, and make it through the end of the course. Remember, learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking short breaks is a reasonable alternative if you find yourself tired or unmotivated. It happens when you've been doing something for a long time. Please look at these three articles. We hope they will help you 😊 Follow Your Bliss: 3 Reasons Why You Should Do 1 Thing You Love in English Everyday (https://reallifeglobal.comFew readersWhen you can't open a Memrise lesson
You can find your first Memrise lesson in the step called below the link : We encourage you to read the Explanation Guide first so that you know why Memrise is such a good tool!Few readersHow to join the Fluency Circle community
We are excited to see that you have been working on the lessons already! To make the most out of our course we highly encourage joining the Fluency Circle groups (our community of Global learners). is a great opportunity to practice speaking and writing in English, as the members are constantly chatting there, sharing video and audio messages in different conversations every day. The group is exclusive for members of our Fluency CoursesFew readersWhere are the bonus materials?
We’re happy that you're already working with us. If you want to find all the bonus materials, please go to the course portal at https://reallifeenglish.teachable.com/ and click on the step, of your Lesson 1 and find them there: If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach us at FluencyTeam@ReallifeGlobal.com. We'll beFew readersI can't find my mother tongue on the Memrise app
We understand that adding your language to the Memrise app would be convenient for you. We built our materials on Memrise, but we’re not able to add languages. Luckily, we found a solution. Our course is taught in English so you can choose any language on the app and you still will enjoy full experience of our course.Few readers