Articles on: For Our Students

How to cancel my subscription

We recommend and encourage our students to not give up halfway, and make it through the end of the course. Remember, learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking short breaks is a reasonable alternative if you find yourself tired or unmotivated. It happens when you've been doing something for a long time.

Please look at these three articles. We hope they will help you 😊

Follow Your Bliss: 3 Reasons Why You Should Do 1 Thing You Love in English Everyday
9 Steps to Motivate Yourself to Live and Love English
How to Ignite Your Mind in English in the Morning

However, if you feel like the course is not working out for you for any reason, please just let us know at and we will try to find a way to help you, or we will cancel your subscription according to your request.

Updated on: 26/10/2021

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