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How to find time for learning English

Many people with busy schedules feel like they don't have time to learn English. The trick is to find ways to make it convenient for you, and turn it into a daily habit.

Check out these articles that might help you find some extra time to practice your English:

English Made Simple: 15 Minutes per Day
6 Ways to Find Time to Improve a Language
Stress-Free Language Learning

Finally, we do a weekly podcast called RealLife Podcast that we highly recommend you listen to, as it integrates all of these ideas (and you can listen to it in your car, or on the bus, or when you’re doing other activities).

We also created a tool that will help you build a habit to learn English. The RealLife Habit Builder will help you implement science-based habit-forming strategies to plan, schedule, and optimize your English learning habits.

Updated on: 26/10/2021

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